Hotel Amadeus Central

Berlin, Germany

Address: Hohenzollerndamm 57, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, 14199 Berlin, Germany
Distance to
City center
City center: 8.9 km
Airport: 21.1 km
Nearest transport point
Nearest transport point: 0.14 km
Transport point name
Transport point name: Cunostr. (Berlin) Bus Stop


Whether you’re in Berlin on a quick business trip or on a sightseeing tour, the Hotel Amadeus Central comes to save the day when you need a cost-effective hotel option. This 2-star hotel is just 2 kilometers away from the Kurfürstendamm shopping street with its many shops, cafés and restaurants in the area. You check in modest rooms equipped with extra-long beds, cable TV and a desk. A shared bathroom is available in the hallway with free toiletries. Breakfast is served at the friendly bakery next to the building. The nearby Hohenzollerndamm S-Bahn city tail station keeps you connected to the rest of the city.

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